What are some of the ‘alternatives’ to the Standard Latte that we offer?
Cappuccino – this has the same ingredients as the Latte, but the ratio of Steamed Milk to Foam is different. Additionally, the drink is built in ‘layers’ instead of mixed together. First the Espresso, then a layer of steamed milk and lastly the layer of foam, without mixing the espresso and steamed milk. The same amount of milk is used as in a Latte, the steaming process is changed to produce more foam so that there is ½ steamed milk and ½ foam on top of the espresso. A wet cappuccino has more steamed milk and less foam(still more foam than a latte), while a dry cappuccino has less steamed milk and more foam. An iced cappuccino can be made but ‘frothing’ the milk in the blender and again ‘layering’ on top of the espresso prior to adding the ice.
Cortado is a beverage consisting of espresso mixed with a roughly equal amount of warm milk to reduce the acidity. The milk in a cortado is steamed, but not frothy the same as a Flat White, with less foam, allowing for a denser milk. With roughly a 1:2 ratio of espresso to milk in the Cortado, the milk reduces the acidity and presents a sweeter taste. This is general served in a larger espresso cup
A Traditional macchiato is an espresso shot topped with a small splash of steamed milk and a foamy top, and is served in a demitasse glass/espresso cup. Macchiato means "stained" or "marked" and indicates espresso "marked" with a splash of milk. It’s around four total ounces with (almost) equal parts espresso to steamed milk.
Latte Macchiato (aka Starbucks Carmel Macchiato) – This is basically an ‘upside down’ latte. The steamed milk goes into the cup first and the Espresso is added at the end. The amount of milk to foam is the same as a standard cafe’ Latte. Because of its inverse order, a latte macchiato will taste different than a cafè` latte. Instead of you tasting the milk integrated with the coffee, you'll get the coffee upfront with the foam on top, then you'll get the milk in the bottom part of the drink.
Café au Lait is similar to a Latte, the main difference being use of ‘drip’ (aka House Blend) instead of Espresso and the ratio of steamed milk to coffee is 1:1 instead so it’s a half coffee/half steamed/cold milk drink.
Café Breve is a Latte using Steamed Half n Half instead of the standard 2% milk that is in a latte. This could also be ordered as a Latte with a Half n Half milk choice.
Flat White is a latte with no foam. Where a standard latte is finished off with a small layer of ‘foam’ on top of the steamed milk, the Flat White has no foam and is only the steamed milk. The total ratio of milk to espresso remains the same.
Philosopher’s Friend – This is a House Blend coffee or Cold Brew coffee with an added 2oz ‘shot’ of Espresso. For that philosopher that needs a little extra ‘shot’ to get them going.
Americano – Though similar this is not the same as what we sell as our House Blend.An Americano starts with Espresso like all the other drinks above, but then is ‘watered’ down with hot (or cold for iced) water to get to the correct number of ounces for the size.Since this is diluted the amount of Espresso is an Americano is more than any of the other drinks making the ratio of espresso to water 1:4 (ex; 12 oz = 3 oz Espresso, 9 oz water)